Does Laser acupuncture improve fertility?

Laser acupuncture for fertility research

Laser or laser acupuncture for fertility is a photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy that is safe and painless. It may help support ovarian and reproductive function in women and people with ovaries. Laser is also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), cold laser, and laser acupuncture. It uses focused, collimated, coherent light to penetrate the skin and treat the underlying tissues. Some laser manufacturers suggest their laser can penetrate as deep as 5 inches. At Rosefinch Health, Dr. Lee offers Laser Acupuncture for fertility and uses a Class 3B infrared and red laser in her Portland, Oregon clinic. She uses laser for fertility to support people trying to conceive at home or while undergoing assisted reproductive therapies like in vitro fertilization, egg freezing, embryo banking, and frozen embryo transfers.

One way laser may help fertility is that it powers up the tired mitochondria within the cells. Red and infrared laser may reduce inflammation and improve blood flow locally and throughout the body.

Is there any evidence that laser or low-level laser therapy can improve fertility? Yes, there is some evidence that suggests benefit. One randomized controlled trial found that laser application on the day of embryo transfer significantly increased implantation rates compared with controls.

→A Japanese doctor observed that people in menopause would spontaneously begin menstruating again after a series of laser treatments. His group then went on to prospectively follow people with diminished ovarian reserve who were struggling to conceive. After 21 or so laser treatments, there was a 22.3% clinical pregnancy rate and an 11.3% live birth rate in a cohort of 701 people. The average live birth rate is about 5% for a similar population. They also observed an increase in pregnancies in people undergoing IVF with ICSI in another cohort of younger women.

→They also found in his research that when looking back at how patients may benefit from laser therapy, treatment once weekly for 5-6 cycles may positively impact egg quality.

→In a cohort of 400 women aged 34-50 years old, a physiotherapist reported 65% became pregnant after they received 6 laser sessions during their follicular phase.

→In a small pilot study, people with PCOS who received approximately 10 laser treatments were compared with placebo laser treatment. Laser treatment reduced androgens, AMH, and insulin resistance measures compared with placebo. It also helped improve hormones related to ovulation.

Clearly, more research is needed to understand how laser and PBM can support fertility. Still, the current research signals potential fertility benefits with very little risk. Want to learn more or schedule an appointment? Set up a free 15-minute consult.


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