Latinx woman in wide brimmed hat and smiling.

Dr. Lee is a Health At Every Size (HAES) provider and ASDAH member.

There is weight and size bias in medicine. It is present in reproductive medicine, wellness communities, and East Asian Medicine (EAM). We want to change this. Dr. Lee is a member of the Association for Size Diversity and Health and advocates for access to medicine without barriers due to size. She knows firsthand. When a provider says, “You just need to lose some weight,” in response to a medical complaint, they signal disapproval and can close the door to healthcare that would be otherwise available to a differently-sized person. This is not helpful to access treatment but can also trigger harm. The influence of diet culture, societal expectations, and rewarding injurious practices are ever present in medical, wellness, and EAM communities. At Rosefinch Health, we are committed to compassionate, collaborative, and respectful support of you and your health goals.

Dr. Lee supports ASDAH's vision of a world without a size-based health measure as an entry point to care. Every body deserves high-quality, respectful healthcare. She incorporates the Health at Every Size Principles® and centers them in her EAM practice.