Acupuncture for fertility

We work with you to create a personalized plan with acupuncture for fertility to help you become pregnant and have a healthy baby. Dr. Lee has more than two decades of experience supporting patients with Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, focused and evidence based nutritional supplements, and general health practices to improve your chances of success. Whether you are trying on your own or undergoing treatment at a fertility clinic, we have the expertise and experience to support you in achieving your goal.

Acupuncture for fertility: women and people with ovaries

We treat the whole person while focusing treatment on the root cause(s).

  • Diminished Ovarian Reserve

  • Premature Ovarian Failure

  • Fertility after oncology treatment

  • Endometriosis

  • Autoimmune disorders

  • Ovulatory disorders (hormone imbalance, stress, and others)

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

  • Tubal disorders (salpingitis, hydrosalpinx)

  • Implantation disorders (recurrent implantation failure, poorly developed endometrial lining)

  • Timed intercourse optimization

  • Medicated cycle support with timed intercourse

  • IUI support with or without medications

  • IVF/FET support

  • Miscarriage and Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

Man in red sweater smiling in front of blue concrete brick wall

Support sperm quality:

Sperm count, morphology, motility, concentration; DNA fragmentation, and oxidative damage

Acupuncture for fertility: men or people with sperm


Fertility Acupuncture

At Rosefinch Health in Portland, Oregon, we understand the complexities and challenges of fertility-related issues. Under the guidance of Dr. Lee Hullender Rubin, an internationally acclaimed and award-winning doctor of acupuncture, we've crafted a unique approach to fertility acupuncture. Dr. Rubin's expertise in integrative reproductive medicine has helped thousands of couples achieve their dream of having a baby.

Fertility Acupuncture for Women and People with Ovaries

We specialize in acupuncture for fertility, focusing on women and people with ovaries. Our holistic approach acknowledges that fertility is a complex medical condition that affects the whole person. We work to identify and treat the root causes of fertility challenges, customizing every treatment plan and ensuring a compassionate and targeted approach to fertility care.

Fertility Acupuncture for Men and People with Sperm

We extend our expertise in fertility acupuncture to men and people with sperm since they also play a vital role in the conception journey. Our tailored approach targets specific fertility challenges unique to this group, focusing on enhancing sperm quality, count, and overall reproductive health.

Comprehensive Fertility Treatments

Our services are comprehensive, addressing a wide array of fertility concerns. These include optimizing egg and sperm quality, supporting uterine lining for implantation, PCOS, endometriosis, and trying to conceive at home.

In addition, we provide adjunctive care for in vitro fertilization and intra-uterine insemination, manage pelvic pain, assist with symptoms related to perimenopause and menopause, offer support during fertility preservation treatments, and post-cancer treatment, and boost general health to improve overall fertility outcomes.

Laser for Fertility

Rosefinch Health in Portland, Oregon, offers an innovative "Laser for Fertility" service for those hesitant about needles. This needle-free option uses Photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy, a gentle yet effective method to boost fertility and reduce pain.

PBM increases blood circulation, reduces inflammation, and promotes cellular repair. Recent research suggests it may also improve mitochondrial function – a vital factor in reproductive health. Addressing these factors is crucial for fertility enhancement.

Fertility is a shared journey, so treatments addressing both partners are a must. Combining traditional acupuncture techniques and modern medical insights, we aim to optimize fertility health and improve the chances of successful conception in a supportive, holistic environment.

Transforming Fertility Journeys with Dr. Lee

Guided by Dr. Lee Hullender Rubin, Rosefinch Health stands at the forefront of integrative reproductive medicine in Portland, Oregon. Her expertise and approaches to fertility acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, and especially laser and LED therapy have been instrumental in helping thousands of couples achieve conception.

Her leadership in this field is marked by a deep commitment to both the science and art of fertility treatment, making her a distinguished figure among those seeking to overcome fertility challenges. With her extensive experience spanning more than two decades and compassionate approach, Dr. Lee has significantly impacted the lives of many, guiding them successfully on their journey to parenthood.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

If you're exploring your options, let Rosefinch Health guide you on your path to parenthood. Call us at 503-807-0158 to learn more, or book an appointment online and discover how we can support you in achieving your dream.

Portland Fertility Acupuncture Making Your Dreams of Parenthood Come True

Rosefinch Health in Portland, led by Dr. Lee Hullender Rubin, Doctor of Acupuncture, is transforming the journey to parenthood. At our practice, fertility acupuncture emerges as a revolutionary treatment option for couples facing fertility challenges. With a blend of ancient wisdom and modern medical insights, fertility acupuncture is not just any treatment—it's a pathway to self-healing and achieving your dream of having a family.

The Essence of Fertility Acupuncture

Fertility acupuncture is a specialized field that extends beyond traditional acupuncture. It focuses on enhancing fertility by improving blood flow to the reproductive organs (uterus and ovaries), regulating hormones, calming the nervous system, and reducing stress and anxiety. Acupuncture may also improve the number of good-quality eggs and enhance the uterine environment.

Not just that, fertility acupuncture also helps with male fertility issues and people with sperm by increasing sperm quantity and quality. These changes can significantly improve the chances of conception, making it an ideal choice for those navigating the complex journey of becoming parents.

Addressing Fertility Issues

Dr. Lee and the Rosefinch Health team have pioneered an all-around approach to fertility care. This method proves particularly effective for a wide range of conditions, including polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, diminished ovarian reserve, recurrent pregnancy loss, and general fertility enhancement.

By treating the whole person rather than just symptoms, fertility acupuncture offers a safe, drug-free, and comprehensive solution to those striving to conceive. Needle-free options are also available. Moreover, it is associated with positive results in increasing your chances of having a baby.

Many patients swear by it; you can get your health and healing on the right track with Rosefinch Health’s expert guidance.

Boosting Your Chances of Conception

Integrating fertility acupuncture into your conception plan may increase your chances of success. Whether you're trying naturally, undergoing IVF, or exploring other fertility treatments, acupuncture provides supportive care that complements and may enhance these methods.

It's about creating the optimal conditions for pregnancy, offering hope and support at every step of your journey.

Transforming Fertility Care with Dr. Lee Hullender Rubin

Dr. Lee Hullender Rubin is a celebrated international figure in integrative reproductive medicine. Her extensive experience, research, and compassionate approach make her a trusted ally in the fertility journey.

Dr. Lee's dedication to evidence-informed care, alongside her innovative use of laser and LED therapy, has helped countless couples overcome fertility hurdles, illustrating a commitment to both the science and soul of fertility treatment.

But you may ask, when should you begin? It's never too early to prioritize your well-being. Acupuncture can be beneficial at any point in time. Generally, three months before conception is ideal for starting your acupuncture, nutrition, and other family-building therapies. But remember, this isn't a magic number; contact Dr. Lee to learn more about.

If needles are a concern, consider laser acupuncture and/or Transcutaneous Electro-Acupuncture Stimulation. These therapies are needle-free and painless options that may enhance results.

Schedule Your Acupuncture Appointment Now

Are you interested in exploring the possibilities of fertility acupuncture? Learn how we can support you in your unique journey. Contact Rosefinch Health today; your dream of becoming a parent is closer than you think. Call 503-807-0158 or book an appointment online.