Acupuncture for Menopause
We use acupuncture and the whole system of East Asian Medicine to focus on menopausal-related symptoms and help you feel more like yourself.

When we focus on menopause at Rosefinch Health, treatment is tailored to you. We can use acupuncture and other manual therapies, Chinese herbal medicine, nutritional support, lifestyle guidance, focused nutritional supplements, and more.
Let’s work together to create a personalized plan that addresses your specific needs and helps you feel your best.
What can we help?
There is substantial overlap in the symptoms of menopause with fertility, endometriosis and pelvic pain, gender-affirming care, and cancer treatments. The menopausal transition touches nearly every aspect of your being:
· temperature regulation
· unwanted sweating
· period changes and abnormal bleeding
· urination frequency and pain
· bone health
· body, pelvic, and genital pain
· headaches
· sleep disruptions
· digestion
· insulin sensitivity and weight changes
· mood changes
· libido and sexual function
· skin, hair, and nails
Menopause directly impacts multiple body systems, including the endocrine, reproductive, nervous, cardiovascular, excretory, musculoskeletal, and immune systems. By helping to down-regulate your nervous system or inducing the release of neurochemicals that aid in hormone balance, acupuncture can help significantly reduce menopausal-related symptoms severity. It is a drug-free treatment that can provide substantial benefits. If needed, we can augment the effects of acupuncture with Chinese herbal medicine. Herbal medicine is a complex approach using multiple herbs to address your symptom patterns. We can target difficult symptom pictures with complex herbal formulae. We also don’t want to overload you with unnecessary nutritional supplements. Only the ones you need, and the supplements that work.
Start feeling better.
Still not sure? Email us with any questions.