Acupuncture for fertility


Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable.
— Mary Oliver

No matter the cause, we can support you in conceiving. Dr. Lee has worked with thousands of patients over two decades and has published several papers on successful outcomes. She will collaborate with you in crafting a plan that you can integrate in your daily routine and have the greatest impact on supporting your fertility.

A smiling woman in an orange shirt holding a stick test.

A smiling woman in an orange shirt holding a stick test.

Ovulation issues

If you aren’t ovulating, then you can’t get pregnant naturally. Anovulation is a very common reason for not conceiving. Dr. Lee can help you find high impact ways to support your ovulation.

An image of tampons laying against a dark blue background.

An image of tampons laying against a dark blue background.

Period issues

There could be a few reasons for not having a regular period — hormone imbalance, an issue with the uterine lining, or painful periods to name just a few. Dr. Lee can work with you to find the bets ways to support period regulation and overall fertility.

Image of a bicycle with a large sperm shaped adornment.

Image of a bicycle with a large sperm shaped adornment.

Sperm issues

It is common to prioritize regulating periods and ovulation, but sperm are just as important to natural conception and sometimes overlooked. We can support you to get your sperm numbers up, fit, and moving.

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How can we help?

It all starts with the two-part initial telehealth consult. If you are working with a doctor, we ask that you share your health records with us. Don’t worry, we follow all HIPAA regulations, and your records will be kept in an encrypted, password-protected, cloud-based electronic health record system.

In our first session, we meet for close to an hour and, our expert Dr. Lee will review your whole health history. We will identify your goals, assess the primary areas where you want to focus, and determine modalities you can feasibly integrate.

In our second session, we will meet in person and review your individualized plan and begin acupuncture. Acupuncture is available to those in the Portland, Or., and Vancouver, Wa., area. Our goal is to help you be successful and achieve your goals, but we aren’t interested in over-burdening you with too many things. More does not equal better. We find the best approach is focusing on a few high impact suggestions that you can consistently incorporate into your daily routine.

If you can only do telehealth, we will meet for Part 2 online and review your individualized plan. Much like in person acupuncture, we want you to be successful. We can then follow up with you every month for three months to check in on your progress and make modifications to your plan. If you need more or less support, just let us know. We can be adaptive to your needs and want to support you in conceiving with timed intercourse and can see each other as little or as much as needed.