Common questions: Cracking the fertility acronym code
What is it with all of these acronyms?
If you have spent any time on the internet searching for information about your fertility, you have no doubt encountered a coded alphabet soup of acronyms. What do they mean? Here’s a quick and handy key of the most commonly used fertility-related acronyms related to fertility and reproductive medicine.
2WW = two week wait
ACU = acupuncture
AMA = advanced maternal age
AMH = anti-müllerian hormone
ARA = advanced reproductive age
ART = assisted reproductive technology or IVF
BBT = basal body temperature
BCP = birth control pill aka OCP
BD = baby dancing aka intercourse
Beta = HcG pregnancy test
BFN = big fat negative
BFP = big fat positive
CB = cycle buddy
CD = cycle day
CF = cervical fluid
CHM = Chinese herbal medicine
CM = cervical mucus
DH = dear husband
DE = donor egg
DOR - diminished ovarian reserve
DPI = days post insemination
DPO = days post ovulation
DPR = days post retrieval
DPT = days post transfer
DW = dear wife
DX = diagnosis
ENDO = endometriosis
EPT = early pregnancy test
ER = egg retrieval
ET = embryo transfer
FET = frozen embryo transfer
FF = fertility friend
FHR = fetal heart rate
FSH = follicle stimulating hormone
FTTA = fertile thoughts to all
GC = gestational carrier or surrogate
HCG = human chorionic hormone aka pregnancy hormone
HGH = human growth hormone
HPT = home pregnancy test
HSG = hysterosalpinogram
HX = history
ICSI = intracytoplasmic sperm injection
IF = Infertility
INF = infertility
IVF = in vitro fertilization
IUD = intrauterine device like mirena or paragaurd
IUI = intrauterine insemination
LAP = laparoscopy
LH = luteinizing hormone
LMP = date of the first day of the last menstrual period
LSP = low sperm count
MC = miscarriage, aka m/c or misc. or SAb
MF = male factor
OCP = oral contraceptive pill aka BCP
OPK = ovulation predictor kit
OTC = over the counter
OV = ovulation
PIO = progesterone in oil injection
PCOS = polycystic ovary syndrome
PG = pregnant
PGT-A = pre-implantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (extra or missing chromosomes like Down syndrome)
PGT-M = pre-implantation genetic testing for monogenic or single gene disorders like cystic fibrosis or Huntington Disease
PGT-SR = pre-implantation genetic testing for structural rearrangements like translocations
PI = primary infertility
PMS = premenstrual syndrome
POAS = pee on a stick
POF = premature ovarian failure
RE = reproductive endocrinologist aka fertility doctor
RPL = recurrent pregnancy loss
SA = sperm analysis
SHG = sonohystogram
SI = secondary infertility
SIS = saline infused sonohystogram
TL/TR = tubal ligation, tubal reversal
TSH = thyroid stimulating hormone
TTC = trying to conceive
TTCAR = trying to conceive after reversal
TVUS = transvaginal ultrasound
TWW = two week wait aka 2WW
TX = treatment
US = ultrasound
V/VR = vasectomy, vasectomy reversal
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