Transforming Cancer Care in Portland, Oregon with Acupuncture
Cancer is a profoundly life-altering condition. It affects millions worldwide with a broad array of physical and emotional symptoms.
Tea, tea bags, and microplastics
Tea brewed in plastic teabags can provide a large dose of nanoplastics that may disrupt metabolism and hormones.
Does Laser acupuncture improve fertility?
Does laser acupuncture improve fertility? In this post, we take a close look at the current evidence investigating laser acupuncture’s effects on fertility.
We are moving!
Rosefinch Health is moving to SW Portland and joining the Rose City Sexual Health Collective.
New research: acupuncture and frozen embryo transfers
Welcome sign to American Society for Reproductive Medicine meeting.
Air pollution may reduce fertility
Air pollution may reduce fertility by damaging eggs/sperm and reducing IVF success.
A TENS machine with a blue light display and electrode pads and carrying case.
Sales receipts and fertility
What do sales receipts and fertility have to do with each other? Evidence is mounting that sales receipts may be a significant source of endocrine-disrupting chemicals.